Was tun, wenn’s kracht?
Wenn Konflikte im Job auftreten, geht es meistens darum, dass sich mindestens eine Person an dem Verhalten oder der Meinung einer anderen Person stört, dies mit dem Gegenüber nicht bespricht und die Bewältigung der gemeinsamen Aufgaben immer mehr beeinträchtigt wird. Die Expertin Katharina Yombi erklärt, wie man Konflikte im Unternehmen lösen kann.
Why HR: When do I need a people manager?
Die Bewerbungen bleiben liegen. Oder stauen sich womöglich bereits in deinem E-Mail-Postfach. Du könntest dir jetzt denken: „Naja, aber es kommen ja immer wieder neue Bewerbungen rein, so dringend ist das jetzt nicht.“ Dazu lass dir sagen: Gute Kandidat:innen bleiben niemals lange auf dem Jobmarkt. Wenn du nicht schnell genug bist, ist es ein anderer mit Sicherheit. Aus diesem Grund solltest du auf Bewerbungen zeitnah reagieren. Und wenn du dafür keine Zeit hast: Jemanden einstellen, der das übernimmt.
Exit, Alumni: Ciao (for now)!
The sixth station of the Employee Lifecycle covers the phase from the official termination to the final departure of an employee from your company. The exit or offboarding process starts from the moment the notice of termination is given verbally or submitted. This process should be equally appreciative for everyone, regardless of the circumstances that led to the termination.
Development & Retention: Employee retention for winners
A certain amount of turnover in a company is normal - and even good. When new talent joins, they always bring a breath of fresh air. As with anything in life, it's about striking the right balance. But even if a termination is linked to not-so-positive causes, you should try to make the best of it.Â
Attraction, recruitment, onboarding: how to attract top talent
The employee lifecycle refers to all the stages that employees pass through in an organization. It begins with presenting the company as an attractive employer on the job market in order to attract the attention of talented employees. It continues with recruitment and onboarding. In the first part of our series of articles "The 7 Stages of the Employee Lifecycle", you can find out what is important in these first three stages of the employee lifecycle.
3 steps to a successful people strategy
A good people strategy is a framework, a vision, and a set of goals with specific actions that revolve around employees. Among other things, it is about fostering engagement and retention, identifying needed competencies, and attracting new talent. Above all, however, it is about shaping an appreciative and positive corporate culture. With a result that impacts productivity: People who feel seen and valued, and enjoy working in a company are proven to work better.Â