duple professional

We guide you on the way to your professional people area.

Healthy growth needs a secure stand

If you want to build on something, you should do so on a stable foundation. This applies to houses just as much as it does to companies. For the latter, it's a matter of finding the perfect mix of security-giving stability and agile adaptability. We know: Companies that are in the process of being built up and want to be scalable should lay the foundation for efficient and appropriate people management right from the start.

What can really help: the expertise of experienced Head of People, who can support you with advice and action. For example, in building the right structures for you and making the right decisions in the people area. With us, you have a sparring partner at your disposal with whom you can put new ideas into practice. A partner who accompanies you, helps you grow and gives you all the know-how you need to lay the foundation for an optimal recruiting and employer experience with a professional people department.

Healthy growth needs a clear goal

Target group

You are founder, CEO, People & Culture Manager. You know: The basis for healthy growth is a professional people area. An area that gives your team orientation and security - and that focuses on your employees and company values.

Healthy growth has a plan

Target picture

We look at each stage of your Employee Lifecycle: What's going well and where do you still need support? We advise on the selection and implementation of the right HR tools for you and provide the associated training. Together, we set up basic processes and develop ideas that suit you. In the end, you will have the right structures and tools for each phase of the lifecycle that fit your business goals and reflect your corporate vision and employer brand.


we accompany


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Then get in touch with us. We'd love to hear from you!

Every team is unique

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